Dominique Mosby
April 10, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Cotterell, John. Social
Networks and Social Influences in Adolescence. Routledge, 1996. Web. 10
Apr. 2014.
This source speaks on
the different behavior in adolescence due to social networks. It points on how
the friendships, cliques and gangs form due to these networks. In addition it
points out how social networks are a health risk and cause aggression. This source
ties into my topic simply because of the different negative effects.
Klofstad, Casey A.,
Anand Edward Sokhey, and Scott D. McClurg. "Disagreeing About
Disagreement: How Conflict in Social Networks Affects Political
Behavior." American Journal of Political Science 57.1
(2013): 120-134. Business Source Complete. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
This source speaks on
how social networks may have an effect on politics. It talks about the
different behaviors and attitudes of politics with social networks. This source
is worth using because it has effects of social networks with politics. Politics are big and politics control the
Rosenquist, J. N., J. H. Fowler, and N. A. Christakis.
"Social Network Determinants of Depression." Molecular psychiatry 16.3 (2011): 273-81. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
This source speaks on how social networks can cause
depression. It was a study done and there are stats on how many people
experience depression from social networking. This source is worth using
because it has a main point of my argument, which is a negative effect of
social networks. The article mostly speaks on depression with teens and young
Reyns, Bradford W. The Anti-Social Network: Cyberstalking Victimization Among College
Students. El Paso: LFB Scholarly Pub,
2012. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
This source speaks about social networking and stalking
in college students. It speaks on how a student being stalked can become
annoyed. A student can also become scared and stressed over the situation. This
source is worth using because of its content and credibility.
Fournier, Angela K., et al. "Alcohol and the
Social Network: Online Social Networking Sites and College Students' Perceived
Drinking Norms." Psychology Of Popular Media Culture 2.2
(2013): 86-95. PsycARTICLES. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.
This source has done research of alcohol related
incidents in college. It speaks on the social networks having to do with the
alcohol patterns in college. Pointing out the alcohol representation on social
networks. This source is reliable because it has research behind it.
McGrath, Leanne C., PhD. "Social Networking Privacy: Important Or
Not?" Interdisciplinary Journal of
Contemporary Research In Business 3.3 (2011): 22-8. ProQuest. Web. 10 Apr.
This source debates whether social network privacy is important. It was
research that stated 45% of people read the privacy policy of social networks.
They also had the type of negative effects of not caring about the privacy
policy. This means the people who do not have their page private. They can
receive negative comments or spam which would annoy someone. This is credible
source because of research done.
Ellwardt, L, Labianca, G, Wittek, R. "Who are the Objects of
Positive and Negative Gossip at Work? A Social Network Perspective on Workplace
Gossip." Social Networks 34.2 (2012): 193-205. Web. 10
Apr. 2014.
This source speaks on
gossip in the workplace because of social networks. It points to who can be the
person of positive gossip versus the individual of negative gossip. Both sides
are compared in this source. This source is good because it compares both sides
without any bias. The workplace is a big spot where people are social network
active for some part of the day. That is why this is a good source based on the
percentage of people at work using social networks.
Elphinston, Rachel A,
and Patricia Noller. "Time To Face It! Facebook Intrusion And The
Implications For Romantic Jealousy And Relationship Satisfaction." Cyberpsychology, Behavior And Social Networking 14.11 (2011):
631-635. MEDLINE Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
This article speaks on
another issue on social networks having to do with relationships. It speaks on
how social networks can create jealousy. It states Facebook can create
surveillance behavior. This can cause relationship dissatisfaction, which
causes arguments. After the arguments a break and then starts drama within the
Facebook community.
Feinberg, Ted, and
Nicole Robey. "Cyberbullying."
The Education Digest 74.7 (2009): 26-31. ProQuest. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
This source shows how
students get cyberbullied. There are ways to prevent the bullying in this
article. There are also ways to know when someone being bullied. They also have
some stats to show students bullied. This source works for me because it
focuses on one of my main topic. It also has good detail on what cyberbullying
Piotrowski, Chris, and Peter
J. Lathrop. "Cyberstalking and
College-Age Students: A Bibliometric Analysis across Scholarly Databases."
College Student Journal 46.3 (2012): 533-6. ProQuest. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.
This source shows the
different ways that students are stalked. They show how many people were
stalked in a study. It also talked about women are less likely to be stalked
than men are. It also speaks on how stalkers are well educated and mostly over
the age 16. This source is good because cyberstalking is one of my main topics
for my project.
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